Inheritance Tax Planning

Don’t pay more tax than you need to

Making Sure Your Wealth 

Is Preserved

I bet there are A LOT of things you'd love to leave for your family once you've passed away. From fond memories, family values, sentimental items to your hard-earned wealth.


But do you know what's the one thing you don't want to leave them? A hefty Inheritance Tax (IHT) bill - aka: Britain’s most hated tax.


A few things you must know:


  • Any wealth you leave over £325,000 could be taxed at 40% at death
  • Assets such as your home, bank accounts, ISAs and jewellery are liable to IHT  
  • IHT significantly reduces the amount of wealth you can pass down to your beneficiaries
  • The rules around IHT are complex and it can be costly to navigate without professional help


In the past, IHT was something only the super wealthy suffered, however more people are getting caught in the tax net as property prices and personal wealth level soar, whilst tax free allowances remain unchanged:


  • Currently around one in every 25 estates pay the tax
  • The current tax free thresholds have been frozen to 2026
  • Inheritance tax receipts is set to hit a record £7 billion in 2023


Now imagine this:


You've worked hard to create your wealth but a failure to understand IHT can risk a significant portion of your wealth ending up in the government’s pocket, and not your family.


When I speak to clients they often:


  • Don’t realise they are over the tax free thresholds
  • Aren’t aware of the allowances and exemptions available to them
  • Underestimate how much of their wealth will be eroded as it passes down to future generations


IHT can have a significant impact on the amount of wealth you leave behind. Not just for your children but also for future generations.


The GOOD news?


Your tax bill can be reduced significantly, IF you plan in advance.


As a professional estate planner, I’ll take the stress out of inheritance tax planning. I’ll help you figure out your current tax liability, the options available to minimise it and create a plan of action so that more of your wealth is left for your family, and not the taxman. Book your wealth planning consultation below.


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